Royal Canin vs Hills Science diet dog food comparison

Each aspect associated with the mental and physical well-being of a pet dog can be influenced negatively or positively by one poor or good diet. Which is the reason why it is fair to state that getting them the correct nutrition is potentially the single most significant responsibility that an individual has as a pet owner. The elements a pet dog consumes from their daily meals can influence their character health throughout their whole life. In this column, we are going to have a Royal Canin vs Hills Science diet dog food comparison.

Bluntly speaking there are hundreds and hundreds of different dog food brands accessible in the market right now. However, Science Diet along with Royal Canin creates some of the most premium products. In this guide, we are going to compare these two dog food brands in a bunch of different categories to give our readers everything they require to understand why they might be the answer a pet owner is searching for. And also which brand can be the better option for the pet and their owners.

After going through our side-by-side comparison guide, our readers are going to have one proper concept of each company along with their history: what is the weakness and strengths they have, common elements that they utilize along with their nutritional values and so much more. The purpose is to offer our readers as much detail as they need to find out which company is most appropriate for their pet dog. So let us jump straight into that!

What does the hill’s science diet offer to small-breed puppies?

The recipes of Royal Canin concentrate on the digestive health and the immune system of small-breed puppies. Their recipes are suggested for smaller dog breeds up to 40 weeks or those who weigh up to lbs. Their first couple of ingredients is dry poultry protein, maize, vegetable protein isolate, rice, and animal fats. It carries:

  • 354 kcal per cup.
  • 29 percent protein. 
  • 18 percent fat. 
  • 3.3 percent fiber. 

Let us look at the other side of this Royal Canin vs Hills Science diet dog food comparison.

What does royal canin offer to small-breed puppies?

Their formula concentrates on developmental health creating lean muscle, along with immune support. It is most appropriate for a small breed puppy up to 52 weeks of age. The 1st 5 ingredients are whole-grain corn, chicken fat, whole-grain sorghum, chicken meal, and whole-grain wheat. It carries:

  • 397 kcal per cup.
  • 24.5 percent protein.
  • 15.5 percent fat.
  • 3 percent fiber.

Royal Canin vs Hills Science Diet Dog Food Comparison

While comparing Science Diet with Royal Canin our readers have noticed that they have quite similar backgrounds. On top of that both Pride themselves on their motivation to generate healthy and balanced dog food that is particularly made for illnesses, breeds, sizes or each of the above. Their success and popularity prove that a bunch of what they offer does what they are supposed to do. They assist pet dogs that can suffer from a bunch of health issues such as digestive intolerances.

Even though there are a lot of other companies out there in the presence of more exotic food elements these two dog food companies generate quality recipes for one affordable price range depending on the development and research that is invested into their products. So much so that it is quite difficult to divide them when the question is which company is more advanced. Which is the reason why we have provided this column on Royal Canin vs Hills Science diet dog food comparison declaring one draw. The winner truly depends on the pet dog and its distinct dietary preferences and requirements. 

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